___________ Sustainability

Sustainable Onion, Garlic Processing

Ensuring a sustainable supply of food for the world’s fast growing population is a major challenge. Food production is one of the key areas that requires action.

At KMC Foods, we follow sustainability policy which is made up of three pillars: the economy, society, and the environment. KMC Foods is committed Sustainability at each and every business steps like...

  • Organic/Sustainable Farming
    Rgular Monitoring of Crop, Traing to farmers for sustainable farming methods and monitor it's implementation.
  • 0 Use of Hypochlorite
  • Promoting Sea Shipment against Road Shipment.
    As the mission of the Government of India to increase seaways and transport of material through the same we are supplying our material in western & southern part of India via ro-ro ferry.
  • Adopting Recycled Paper Bag Over Corrugated Box.
    Dehydrated Products are packed in recycled paper bags where we get approval from the clients.